Thursday, June 28, 2012


no name on this photo.  it was included with  some charts from the Ogden City Cemetery
Sandy commented that this could be Grandma Grace Walker and her sisters and we agree with that.  Hopefully, we will find another copy that lists their names.  The clothing looks age appropriate to that time period.

Alexander McIntyre

Alexander McIntyre.
Father of William Allen McIntyre
Grandfather of Georgia S. McIntyre

Alexander died young in South Dakota when a load of logs rolled onto him.

Rhien Kids

For some reason there is not a picture of Joanna in this set.  We'll add one later.

Grandma Hixson

Henry Hixson, Grandma Hixson and their children. Walter is not is this photo.

Earlene through the years

 Sandy - is this the picture you think might be you instead of Earlene - this is hand colored. Not sure her eyes and hair were this color.
 Earlene Senior Picture 1973
Earlene and Scott Family - Portland 1992.  Scott, Paul, Earlene, Joanna, Jed; Julia in front
 Art and Marian's 50th Wedding Anniversary.  1996
seated:  Art and daughter Sally Burgh.  Standing:  Marilyn, Sally's husband Wally, Marian, Janine
Art and Marian November 30,1996.  Oregon