Friday, January 8, 2010

Marilyn Walker personal record

This form that was used in family history books many years ago.  It was recorded by Marilyn Walker, about her life and some of her achievments and church assignments.

TEXT:  In August 1961, took a second place ribbon for painting an oil intitled "Florence Dunes".  It was the third time any pictures by here were ever entered in an art show.  There were 250 entries.
In May 1962, finished a full year as class literature leader in Relief Society, also taught Primary.  Inservice lessons for 8 months.
I have taught in M.I.A. and many classes in Primary.
In July 1963 had completed a year as Beehive teacher.  July 1963 moved to Sidney, Montana and served there as MIA president and secretary until May 17, 1964.
No Gold & Green Ball had ever been held here and we had one.  It was a financial success and the first and only one held in the District.  During this time I was also the Relief Society visiting teacher class leader.

(this was obviously written in 1964 in Sidney, Montana - at that time in the church, each ward or branch was responsible for making their own budget funds, so the "financial success" of an event was important.  It was probably how the MIA made part of their budget for the year.... Charlotte)

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