Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Georgia McIntyre Footnote

February 20, 1967
Ashland, Oregon
copied from letter from Marian C. Lusk to Ordella Irene McIntyre

I will give you a short paragraph on Momma's genalogical activities.
She began her work in October of 1941 and she and Mr. Bendixen used to go to Salt Lake City and spend a month or two in the Library.  Of course being new converts to the church, they had to start from scratch.  She had one uncle that belonged to the Reformed Church of Jesus Chrust of Latter-day Saints who was very interested in genealogy.  He gave her a great deal of help on her mother's family.  Then through correspondence with several people in Canada, she has been able to assemble a great deal of genealogy on the Mordens, McIntyres and Parliament lines.  She just received another letter from a lady in Canada, who is still trying to help us find out death dates and such.  so Mamma is still doing some genealogy.  Of course, she is no longer able to go to Salt Lake, but continues with letter writing.  She had sealing and endowment work done for her father and mother, William Allen McIntyre and Mary Elizabeth Whipple; Alexander McIntyre and Mary Jane Morden; her father sealed to his parents and endowment and baptism work done for many of his brothers and sisters; and Joseph Walter Whipple and Frances Elenora Potter.
Don't know if this will be what you wanted or not.  A lot of the work she started, I plan on continuing.  She spent a great deal of time and such on sibling lines and of course they tell us now not to do any buy our direct lines.  So I only work on these. 
Marian C. Lusk

March 24, 1967
Provo, Utah
Dear Cousin Georgia,
We are certainly happy to send birthday greetings on your 75th birthday.
I wish to say "thank you" for the friendship you'be shown me over the past ten years or so in which we have corresponded.  My Grandmother, Hannah Lucretia Tolman Call, encouraged me to first write to you and help with the McIntyre genealogy.  Grandmother Call passed away six and one-half years ago; but she and yourself are the ones who interested me in this work.  I shall be eternally grateful. Many thanks for the gracious sharing of information with our family.
Your life history is most inspiring and will help us all live better lives.  I know that my father truly appreciates your testimony and faithfulness.
May the Lord bless you and keep you to the end of this earthly life.  Then you shall go to a glorious reunion with your loved ones -- those whose records you diligently sought and whose temple work you had completed.

Oredella Irene McIntyre

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